Kitah Gan/Simcha I

Gan (kindergarten):

In Gan, the students begin a musical adventure into the world of Judaism through story and song.  The students will focus on a different Hebrew letter and a corresponding vocabulary word each week to build letter recognition.  Additionally, they will reinforce the Shabbat brachot with juice and challah.  Through music, art, food, storytelling and games, the Gan students start to form their Jewish identity.


Simha 1 (1st grade):

The Simha 1 students are thrilled to come to Religious school because of the amazing foundation that they received in Gan.  They continue to build on their Hebrew letter and sound recognition and reinforce the brachot, including Havdalah.  One highlight of the year is making their own Havdalah candles from scratch and then using them during a Pajama Havdalah program, complete with milk and cookies!