Don’t be left out … Participate in Sisterhood’s Shalah Manot program !!
Order Purim baskets and satisfy the mitzvah of Purim by sending baskets to all of your friends and acquaintances at the Melville Jewish Center. The order form contains all the members of Melville Jewish Center, the teachers, staff, clergy, and others associated with the synagogue.
Order forms can be downloaded using the link that was emailed to all as a special e-notice and also appears in the weekly e-notices.
The order form this year is a fillable pdf. There are many different ways you can fill out the form, depending upon your technical abilities.
Download the order form to your computer, save it with your name to your computer, fill it out by editing the saved copy (use Adobe, free to download if needed), save again, and then email it to purim@melvillejc.org. You can work on it on your computer over a period of days before returning it, just like a paper form.
Fill out the order form on your browser, print it (CTRL – P) using driver ‘Print to PDF’, save it, and email the pdf to purim@melvillejc.org. This has to be done in one sitting, or else previous changes will be lost.
Print out the form, fill it out by hand, and either scan and email it to purim@melvillejc.org or mail it to Gwen Lichtman, 2600 New York Ave, Melville, NY 11747.
You can simply email purim@melvillejc.org with a list of the numbers corresponding to the names you wish to send to.