Administrative Support

Elissa Spiegel


Elissa has been our Financial Manager since 2005. She came to SHJC in 1987 when her daughter Beryl, entered our Nursery Program at 2 years old. Elissa is mother of three, Beryl, Jason and Jarred. In January, 2022, she became a first-time grandmother with the birth of Harrison Edward.  She is in charge of our accounting, and management of the synagogue office. Where would we be without her?

Don Stanton


Since joining SHJC in December of 2006, Don has made our synagogue sparkle with both his tools and his personality. Don and Pedro work together to keep our facility up and running. While he thinks of us as his extended family, we are grateful to him for making us such a high priority. We thank his wife Judy, for sharing him with us. Since his arrival, Don has been blessed with two grandchildren, Addison & Logan. We love you Don!