Hesed Helpers

Lone Soldiers

Ayelet 1aIn August 2014, 350 young adults made aliyah from around the world in order to join the Israel Defense Force.  They have already formed 12 garinim (smaller groups).  Traditionally, a Garin, a Hebrew term for a small group of immigrants settled in Israel witht eh ability to help each other and keep each other strong.  These 350 young adults were officially welcomed to Israel by heads of state, recognized for their commitment to Israel particularly in such a challenging time. For the next three months they will be settled with their garin on either a kibbutz or in a town.  They will become acclimated to all Israel has to offer.  They will be immersed in an intensive ulpan (Hebrew language class), and participate in an army preparatory program.  They will be tested and interviewed ultimately to determine how they can best serve the State of Israel.

We have one of our very own amongst this group of distinguished soldiers, Ayelet Amiran, daughter of our Immediate Past President, Judith Kunoff and Yoram Amiran.  Also niece of our members Shari and Marty Kunoff and granddaughter of active SHJC participants and Sisterhood Member, Sharon and Noah Kunoff.  We’ll be keeping in touch with her via pictures and stories, scroll down and check back here often!
Ayelet’s garin of 28 high school graduates has settled in at Kibbutz Lahav near Beer Sheva.  They have already celebrated one shabbat together and are now in the Negev actively engaged in the Gadna army preparatory program. They have three months to acclimate, take intensive Hebrew classes, and go through a series of tests and simulations to determine what their IDF options are.

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Israel’s official Lone Soldiers Website
