Men’s Club

“Whom do men honor? He who honors his fellow men.”’ – Ben Zoma, Pirkei Avot 4:1

David Travis, President

The SHJC Men’s Club has been revitalized over the past few years becoming an even stronger link in the chain of Synagogue life. Men’s Club is active in both religious and social functions, sponsoring holiday parties for our Religious School children and the Rabbi Morris Shapiro Fellowship program, among others. There is a spirit of friendship that pervades the group, and new members are always warmly welcomed.

We have many wonderful events throughout the year starting with a Men’s Club Ed Spiegel Sports Breakfast in the Fall, Men’s Club Shabbat in the Winter and a special event in the late Spring early Summer. 

Each spring and early summer, the Men’s Club fields a softball team, which competes in the Long Island Temple League. The games are friendly (but competitive!), and spectators are most welcome.

Other Men’s Club functions include:

  • The Sukkah Raising
  • Distributing Yom HaShoah Candles
  • Cooking at our annual Lag B’’Omer outing
  • Ushering on the High Holidays
  • Gifts for B’nai Mitzvah
  • Gifts and Awards at Religious School Graduation
  • Important Financial Support for the Synagogue
  • Joint Programming with Sisterhood
  • Men’s Club Softball Team
  • Special Sunday Morning Guest Breakfast Programs
  • Men’s Club Shabbat
  • The World Wide Wrap
  • Scholarships for Hebrew High School Students