Youth Group

Youth Group

CONGRATS! You are one step closer to being part of one of the most amazing USY chapters in METNY. With many opportunities to be involved in your Jewish life USCJ’s youth group has something for everyone. In South Huntington USY we offer something for everyone as young as 4th grade and as old as 12th grade, whether you just want to get together with friends, participate in mitzvah projects or engage in Jewish living.  It’s not only about the events, it’s about the lifetime of memories that are created.  These are the moments that help influence who our children become. In our chapter we try to get everyone to feel that they belong here and are meant to be here. We try to make everyone feel special and even have opportunities for the teens to lead their own programs. This year leading the ship is our USY president Sam Abramson.

Hi my name is Sam Abramson and I am the president of the South Huntington USY chapter. SHUSY for me is a place to really feel at home. It’s a place of family and friends for me. In case you wanted to get to know more about me, I am a senior at Half Hollow Hills High School East and I am obsessed with all things music and theater. I love making the community a better place by doing Tikun Olam and educating people on Israel events and news. In my junior year I served as the SHUSY ( South Huntington USY) Israel affairs VP. This year I intend to work with my board to grow this chapter to be even better than it is now and to make each week engaging and fun for the members. I want to try to make everyone feel that SHUSY is their second home and leave them wanting more each week. Every Wednesday night from 8-9 pm is something new, from paintball fights to glow in the dark tag. With each week more fun than the last, we hope everyone joins and tries out our amazing chapter! SHUSY would love to have you! My goal for SHUSY this year is to not only continue to have fun with amazing programs each week, but also get our chapter more involved in the community and in leadership roles. From our chapter overnights, interchapter events, and volunteering in the community, the USYers will have the opportunities to learn skills to help them in their lives.
To contact Sam Abramson, email: or contact SHJC’s Youth Group at


 Fill out the form below to join SHJC Youth Group

KADIMA                                        USY

for kids in grade 4-6                 for kids in grade 8-12

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Youth Group

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please make checks payable to SHJC and mail to SHJC Youth Group; 2600 New York Avenue; Melville, NY 11747