Adult Education

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”  -Albert Einstein

As a testament to our belief that learning is a lifelong process, Adult Learning and Continuing Education opportunities abound at SHJC. Among the many programs we offer are:

    • Adult Bat Mitzvah Class – Rabbi Jacknis instituted this very special course of study a few years ago, and more than eighteen women and one man underwent the thrilling journey. Most couldn’t even read Hebrew when the classes began, but by their completion, each proudly ascended the SHJC bimah to lead the Shabbat morning service and add her unique voice to our collective heritage. An emotional high point was reached as everyone read either a Torah or Haftarah portion.  Contact Rabbi Krublit if you are interested in this class.
    • Rabbi’s Tuesday Morning class – Every year, the Rabbi picks a new text to read and learn from. The class is led by the Rabbi, but there is much give and take, as everyone benefits from the group dynamic. You can join the 10:30 AM class at any time.
    • Chai Institute – Community Hebrew Adult Education Institute is a cooperative Adult Education program sponsored by ten reformed and conservative congregations in Suffolk County. It runs for six consecutive weeks, twice a year – each fall following the High Holidays and in the spring. It offers local clergy-led courses and leading guest scholars at each session.
    • Sisterhood Book Club – Part educational, part social, the Sisterhood Book Club is open to anyone. Several times a year, the group decides on works of popular fiction to discuss (usually, although some non-fiction selections have been chosen), and meets in an atmosphere of friendship and discovery. Jewish values and themes are popular topics for conversation.