Post Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programs

Post Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programs

Continued Study

For students who have completed their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, many opportunities exist for continued study and participation in services at Melville Jewish Center. Throughout the year, and particularly in summer months, students who are post Bar- Bat Mitzvah are encouraged and welcomed to chant Torah for Shabbat morning services and Rosh Hodesh. As they engage in the continued blessing of study, their understanding and knowledge of Torah will deepen, furthering their connection to their Jewish faith and community. Additionally, for students who enjoy the study of t’fillot, there are ongoing similar opportunities to participate in leading services and davening for Shabbat, as well as weekday Shaharit and Ma’ariv services.

We also welcomes students who wish to volunteer their time on a weekly basis. Many ongoing projects, including the compilation and distribution of study materials, benefit from the community of enthusiastic young volunteers who enjoy remaining connected to the continuity of learning within the synagogue.