Daily Minyan

Rabbi Yochanan said, “When one worships at home, it is as if he is surrounded with walls of iron.”: Talmud Yerushalmi Berachoth (5:1)

There is no experience quite like a weekday prayer service. Yet it is not easily accessible to the uninitiated. The SHJC minyan welcomes those saying Kaddish, those with a yahrzeit and anyone desiring a spiritual wake-up.

Minyan has two meanings: the quorum required for the recitation of certain prayers and the prayer service itself. At South Huntington Jewish Center our minyan is egalitarian and open not only to members but to the entire local Jewish Community.

Minyan Services are held:

  • Monday-Thursday Maariv Service- 8:00 pm
  • Sunday – Shaharit Service – 9:15 am
  • Friday – Kabbalat Shabbat – 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted.
  • Saturday – Shaharit Service – 9:30 am

Exceptions are Rosh Hodesh, Festivals, and Holidays when Hallel is recited. On these days, check the daily calendar for exact times.

When attending a service, please let the Ritual representative know if you are observing a Yahrzeit.