Shemini Atzeret and Simhat Torah

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Simhat Torah, meaning “rejoicing with the Torah”, is a happy holiday filled with love and spirit.  On Simhat Torah the last portion of the Torah in the book of Deuteronomy and the first verses of the book of Genesis are read in the same Temple service, signifying that the Torah has no beginning and no end.  In addition to the Hakkafot, the processions with the Torahs, a lot of good spirited fun, the congregation bestows among the highest honors of the synagogue year called Hatan (Groom) and Kallat (Bride) Torah. the aliyah for the last portion read in Deutronomy and Hatan and Kallat Bereshit, the first portion read in Genesis.

Join us on Tuesday evening, September 28 for Minhah followed by a congregational Simhat Torah service with Maariv and Hakafot where we all have the honor of walking around with a Torah!!

Then join us on Wednesday morning, September 29 for a service and possible luncheon (depending upon Covid) honoring the Torah and our Kallat and Hatan Torah, Suri and Rabbi Ian S. Jacknis and our Kallat and Hatan Bereshit, Jani and David Majewski.


USCJ: Dancing With Scrolls
All About Shemini ATzeret and Simha Torah
History of Simha Torah
Simha Torah Songs from

NSW BJE (Board of Jewish Education) Simhat Torah activities and links for kids