
“More than the Jews have kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept the Jewish People.’” – Ahad Haam

shabbatThe Jewish holiday of Shabbat is a joyous occasion celebrated every Friday night to Saturday night. Shabbat commemorates the creation of the world, as the world was created in six days and the seventh day was the day of rest. Shabbat is a special time for people to come together each week to be with family and friends, to rest, to think, to share, to sing, and to have a good time. The observance of Shabbat begins with a traditional ritual that includes blessings while lighting candles, drinking wine, and eating challah.

  • Friday Evening service begins at 6:00 pm
    • for special events service begins at 7:30 pm.  Please check main calendar to confirm time.
    • Summer months SHJC celebrates Kabbalat Shabbat differently with music and appetizers to welcome in Shabbat.
  • Saturday morning service begins at 9:30 a.m. (During COVID-19, Saturday morning services begin at 10:00 a.m.)

We are happy to celebrate special occasions – birthdays, anniversaries, trips to Israel, etc. with an aliyah to the Torah! Please contact Ritual to arrange. For services especially geared to children and families, see our section on Youth and Family Services.

Click here for a link to a weekly message from Rabbi Michael Gold.

“I got a Feeling” by The Jewish Treats

Shabbat Recipes:
Challah from Mindy Maze