Youth and Family Services

At MelvilleJC there is a strong partnership between home, school and Synagogue; our collective goal is to lead our children to live meaningful Jewish lives. In the classroom we teach children about prayer and about belonging to a holy community, yet the classroom experience can never replace actively joining a community in prayer on a regular basis. We believe it is vital that our children feel comfortable in the Synagogue and competent in leading, following and participating in Shabbat and holiday services. It is our expectation that Religious School students regularly attend Shabbat services either Friday night or Saturday morning with an adult family member. In addition to attending Religious School classes, attending our Shabbat Morning services will enhance your child’s Religious School experience. Prayers that are introduced in the classroom need to be practiced and reinforced, in order to be learned.

More information to come

Click here to view the class requirements and your child’s attendance record